Thursday, October 20, 2011

Geek joke! :D

Person 1: What's the integral of 1/cabin?     
Person 2: A natural log cabin.     
Person 1: No, a houseboat you forgot to add the c!


End of Darkness said...

that whizzed right over

End of Darkness said...

lol.. When you integrate (1/x), you get log(to the base e) x. Log to the base e is also called natural logarithm so you get natural log cabin (or log cabin).

But then, when you integrate without limits, you must add a constant to the answer. We represent the constant as c (or sea).

A log cabin in a sea is a houseboat. :D

End of Darkness said...

LOL. Although I know who u stole this one from !

End of Darkness said...

ah I was there till the constant part. Missed the you need to add a c to the answer!

thanks for the brush up :D