Friday, October 28, 2011

Rescue time..

A friend/lifehacher introduced me to this neat little app called RescueTime. I have been using it for a month now.. it sits in the background and observes what you are doing. then your activities are categorized into -2 to 2 points. -2 being very distracting and +2 being very productive. Then it shows neat little graphs on how your spend (waste) your time every day.

My biggest learning from the exercise was how much time was wasted in email. I knew I was spending more time that I should.. but when I saw I was spending close to 4hours per day at the email, it gave me quite a shock. 

I have made emails a -1 activity since then, and my mind has responded by subconsciously classifying email as a distraction - so now there is a guilt feeling, sense of self betrayal etc. when I spend too much time on email. I dont keep a browser tab on emails all the time. I switch on 3G on my phone only when I really need it, and life is much better! :) 

Do try RescueTime! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Geek joke! :D

Person 1: What's the integral of 1/cabin?     
Person 2: A natural log cabin.     
Person 1: No, a houseboat you forgot to add the c!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

24 hours

We just had a 24 hour marathon at work, since we realized we were moving waayy to slow for a startup. 

It was 3 of us - 8pm Fri night to 8pm Saturday night. I realized immediately that for the whole thing to work, some structure was required. 

So this is what I tried.

1. We sat in such a way that all of us could see each other's laptops.. ie noone could goof off.
2. We sat outside in the open actually - no AC, but good powerpoints and internet.. sometimes it was sweaty.. but once we got into the groove, we couldnt bother about the weather. In such time, I guess it is helpful if there is a natural breeze around and it is not too cold. 
3. The prohibited list - this was critical. We made a list of things that were banned. They included email, chat, facebook, games, blogs. These were banned even during breaks. And if anyone was caught violating the ban, a starbucks treat was due (noone violated :) ).
4. 1 hour work, 10 mins sharing. This was great at creating momentum.. after a while, we got so absorbed though that we forgot about the breaks :)
5. Blog - we had a little company blog where we decded post stuff through the night.. it provided some  humour and relief..  I hit upon this only half way through.
6. We shifted places now and then (For dinner etc) to allow some stretching - it gets really tiring if one sits at the comp non stop for long periods.
7. Once we were done, we take 3 days fully off.

All in all, it was a hugely successful session! I am so full of energy 2 hours AFTER we finished the marathon. Would definitely recommend it if you feel things are moving slow in your startup/group/project. But, remember - the structure and environment are key!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To share or not to share, that is the question!

We have generally been told about the peer pressure factor that pushes us to achieve a goal. A lot of apps exists and a lot of productivity techniques revolve around that. Why, even my last blog post was based on making a public commitment. 

But then I think he has a point. Take for example, the last time I told someone I was going to jog 3 times a day. I did do it for a while, but after a point, I had proved half the point, and failing wasnt THAT embarassing so I stopped for whatever reason.. noone noticed, and I quietly swept it under the carpet. 
People make and break commitments around us all the time. So what is the big deal - especially if it wont hurt anyone but ourselves? [A jar sometimes helps the cause - more on that in another post ]

A couple of months back, I told MYSELF that I would sleep and wake up on time. I didnt want to publicize only break the commitment later. I have been sticking to it quite well with nothing to motivate me but a desire to set a standard for myself! People have started noticing.. and the delayed gratification has given me even more inspiration!

I guess there is a balance then - perhaps based on the circumstances, the type of goal and also the type of person you are! 

(Do watch the other videos on his channel if you are interested in doing something on your own.. he adds a very fresh perspective!)