Tuesday, January 13, 2009


..is like a very well built extremely wide road.. with lots of people walking on it... you can only go forward or stay where you are.. you can never go back.. everyone is walking forward.. some fast.. some slow..  and the road goes on and on with no end in sight. On both sides of the road extends a plain.. full of rocks and thorns and brambles.. not unlike a rocky desert. And it extends on both sides as far as you can see.. with nothing interesting in sight..

So it is best to stay on the road.. with everyone else.. why would you want to go on the thorns when there is a nice road built for you? Those who stray either get lost or return injured.

Nobody really knows where the road leads.. its anybody's guess. you will only know if you keep walking.. :)

And the only company you have are the people walking with you.. enjoy their company... and help those in need.. you can chose to run but those with you may not be able to keep up. You can always make new friends on the road ahead... perhaps if you run long enough.. you might see the end.. You can alternatively choose to slow down and help those with you.. :)

And it doesnt matter where on the road you walk.. they all lead forward.. just dont go off it! :)

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