Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Practice what you preach.. but preaching what you practice may not always be a good idea.. even if you are convinced your practice is a sound one..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The BIIG picture


Anything you might face, all your concerns, your wants are insignificant - if you broaden your view sufficiently. You are then left in a state of satisfied bliss :)

Be happy, because there is nothing to worry about.


could be as bad as underperformers in your team..

If everyone looks up to one person as someone to fall back on, that person doesnt belong in the team.

In short, fire Ronaldo/Gerrard!

Fascination not interest..

Interested people want to know if something works.. Fascinated people want to learn how it works.. Let fascination drive you.. And indeed, there is an entire universe to be fascinated about!

Growing up...

a very curious thing...